
$21M to make genetic testing affordable for Southeast Asia

September 21, 2023
Image by Freepik

Want to know more about your baby? Vietnam-based Gene Solutions offers genetic tests to screen for common genetic diseases and to help parents detect genetic birth defects early on in pregnancy.

Investor check. Mekong Capital led the round. 

🧬 Check those genes

As the saying goes, prevention is better than the cure—and when it comes to genetic diseases, that couldn’t be more true. 

Gene Solutions has genetic testing offerings so you can check your (or your baby’s) risk of developing genetic disorders. 

  • For mothers. Their non-invasive pre-natal testing method is cheaper than global competitors and you can get results faster.  
  • Early detection of birth defects can help parents manage their pregnancy plans better.

Be prepared. They also offer multicancer detection, personalized cancer tracking, and precision cancer treatment. 

How to Gen(Love) yourself better? They can also analyze your skin, metabolism, and your physical ability through their GenLove programs.

🥠 Future plans? 

They’re looking to top up with $50M by this year to accelerate expansion in the region!

  • FYI. Gene Solutions is currently operating in Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. 
  • They’re also going to open an oncology laboratory in Singapore this November for cancer research.

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