
$500K for better farming practices

September 21, 2023
Image by nikitabuida on Freepik

Here’s to better farming practices with RegenX. This Singapore-based firm supplies toxic-free and traceable ingredients grown from their regenerative farms. And they just raised a $500K pre-seed!

Investor check. Wavemaker Impact led the round. 

🌲 The ABCs of RegenX

Bad farming practices are bad for everyone. The intensive use of chemical fertilizers and monocultures can diminish soil health and yields, meaning less consistent livelihood for farmers. 

Want to make it better? Regenerative farming practices are a great alternative! But for smallholder farms, it’s not easy to transition out of old ways. 

  • The context. Regenerative farming restores soil and ecosystem health by minimizing mechanical soil disturbance, reducing pesticide use, and using other rehabilitation methods.

Where RegenX helps. They assist farmers so they can phase out pesticides, start alley cropping, perform chop and drops, and track inputs. 

🌱 They’ve got the impact

Companies can buy directly from RegenX’s farms, so farmers can access higher farm-gate prices.  

  • And the impact? The more farms they transition, the more they can sequester carbon, improve soil health, and encourage biodiversity and water conservation. 

☕ What the future holds? 

They’ll focus on accelerating their growth in Vietnam’s coffee space!

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