Ice Breakers

Ice Breakers with Dominic Schacher

January 31, 2024

Dominic Schacher is the co-founder of Rently, a fintech startup in the property space that features Asia Pacific’s first-of-its-kind deposit-free rental platform.

Backed by Aument Capital Partners, a multi-family office specializing in serving entrepreneurs, Rently is currently in the seed stage and is planning to secure Series A funding in Q1 this year. 

👋🏼 How would you explain your job to someone outside tech?

I’m attempting to change the fundamental way people experience renting. 

I think it should be as easy to rent, as it is to book a hotel room—but unfortunately it's not. 

In fact, I find that trying to solve this challenging puzzle of changing how people operate in an antiquated industry, extremely rewarding.

🧐 What's something about you or your job that would surprise us?

Although I run a tech company I have very little technology knowledge and had to learn it all on the go. 

However, sometimes this is an asset as I do not fall into the trap of “this is how every tech company does it”.

🏆 What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

Getting the first satisfied users onto our platform has to be up there. 

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of building something, and then seeing it being used and appreciated by the first customers. 

🔍 What's a startup trend or space you're watching this year?

It sounds cliche but AI is something we are following really closely. 

Although it is overhyped overall, there are so many areas where it can add tremendous value by reducing friction when customers are consuming a product.

💼 What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry? 

Be prepared to face many ‘no thanks’ and rejections. 

Property by nature is incredibly hard to transform, as not only is it a high-value asset, but the owners tend to be a little older so less inclined to adopt the technology. 

In addition, you need to convince not only one person that your product is good (i.e. the property owner), but also the tenant/buyer, the agent, and potentially an entire suite of operations/back office teams.

🗣 What's one thing you can keep talking about for hours? 

How we can fundamentally change how people experience renting by integrating not only technology but embedded finance as well. 

The possibilities are endless, from one-click rentals to embedded insurance, embedded services, rent now pay later, and the list keeps going!

🎥 What's your favorite movie/TV show? 

Breaking Bad.

🍨 What's your go-to ice cream flavor?


FYI. We've edited this interview for clarity.

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