Ice Breakers

Ice Breakers with Khairu Rejal

August 4, 2023

Khairu Rejal is an Investment Principal at Investible, an Asia-Pacific-based venture capital firm investing in technology companies globally, from pre-seed to growth and beyond.

Some SEA startups in Investible’s portfolio include BintanGO, Baskit, bluesheets, and more.  

👋🏼 How would you explain your job to someone outside tech?

Imagine you're in a garden full of plants that have the potential to grow into something amazing. My job is like being a gardener who has a special eye for selecting the plants that not only grow the tallest but also bloom the most beautiful flowers.

In the world of business, these 'plants' are companies, and the 'flowers' they bloom are the positive impacts they create for people’s lives.

🧐 What's something about you or your job that would surprise us?

We share in the emotional journeys of the companies we invest in. Their wins are our wins, but their struggles are also our struggles.

Plus, there is no strict job description. One day I might be a financial analyst, the next I could be giving product feedback or offering a shoulder to cry on for an entrepreneur facing tough times.

🏆 What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

For me, the true highlight is an ongoing experience—it's the deep satisfaction that comes from walking alongside founders through the peaks and valleys of their journeys and witnessing them achieve financial success through an exit.

🔍 What's a startup trend or space you're watching this year?

Climate technology and sustainability. It’s not just the tailwinds in this space that intrigue me; it’s also a personal matter. As a father of two daughters, I’m deeply invested in the kind of world we will leave for the next generation.

Unlike the previous clean tech bubble, the urgent need to combat climate change has created a united front among all stakeholders, from governments, consumers, and investors. It feels like we are on the brink of meaningful change. (Learn more about Investible’s Climate Tech Fund.)

💼 What advice would you give someone starting out in your industry? 

Arm yourself with in-depth technical skills, be prepared to wear many hats, develop your people skills, build your network, and keep an insatiable appetite for learning. These will be your arsenal in the exciting, challenging, and incredibly rewarding world of venture capital.

🗣 What's one thing you can keep talking about for hours? 

The potential for positive impact and change through innovative solutions and ideas. The scale of possibilities that can be achieved when brilliant minds, resources, and intentions align to address the pressing challenges of our time is exhilarating. 

🎥 What's your favorite movie/TV show? 

Anything Star Trek, Star Wars, or recently, Dune.

🍨 What's your go-to ice cream flavor?


FYI. We've edited this interview for clarity.

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