
Over $20M to create more portable dialysis equipment

September 19, 2023
Image from AWAK Technologies

It’s AWAK Technologies! This Singaporean medical startup creates portable kidney dialysis equipment so patients can be treated at home or on the go.

Investor check. Lion X Ventures and Vickers Venture Partners led the round, while Advanced MedTech, Eckuity Capital, a US-based healthcare venture capital fund, and an investment office joined in!

🔤 The ABCs of AWAK

Having chronic kidney disease comes with tons of challenges…and in-center dialysis doesn’t make the experience any easier. Why? Way too many hospital trips, long wait times, and more.

The context. When kidneys fail, it compromises their ability to naturally detoxify blood. Dialysis removes excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood instead. 

  • AWAK PD (peritoneal dialysis). With AWAK’s wearable system, patients can undergo dialysis at home or on the go, anytime.

Not just that. They’ve also got HD (hemodialysis) machines that are more compact and require less dialysis fluid.

PD vs HD? In the HD procedure (usually done 3 to 5 times a week in the hospital), the access point is through the arm. But with PD, which is usually done daily and can be done at home, the access point is in the peritoneal cavity, an area around the abdomen. 

💻 How it works

Adapt kidney care to your lifestyle! AWAK’s PD device connects to a mobile app, making it easy for clinicians to monitor their patients. 

  • AWAK nefrO. With this, patients can log and track their health data while clinicians can monitor patients remotely and personalize care. 

💰 What’s with the $$$? 

The new funding will help AWAK complete their human pre-pivotal clinical trials with the Singapore General Hospital.

  • Though their devices are not yet for sale, AWAK is looking to release complementary products to their devices and also create digital solutions. 

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